Saturday, October 26, 2013

Defending the Indefensible, and Doing it Well
--by Robert Arvay
(this commentary is freely available for reprint)

Liberals insist that they know better than you do, what is good for you, and if you refuse to cooperate, they have a right to force you to submit to their wisdom.  They honestly believe that they can run your life better than you.  You just don’t know what is good for you.

If you doubt that, just listen to the way that advocates of Obama-care defend its failures.  People are complaining that as a result of the ACA (Affordable Care Act, or Obama-care), they have been kicked off their health insurance.  This has happened because the government has set new requirements on what the insurance must cover.  These new requirements are expensive.  In some cases, the insurance company could no longer afford to comply with the new government rules.  In other cases, employers have had to lay off full time workers, or reduce their hours, to avoid being bankrupted by the ACA, and therefore, leaving formerly insured employees with no insurance.

One would think that the advocates of ACA would finally, finally admit the obvious.  The promises have been broken.  As it turns out, you cannot keep your insurance plan.  You cannot keep your doctor.  Your insurance costs will go up, not down.  Two plus two equals four, not billions in savings.

But no.  The Obamaniacs will not admit to any of that.  Instead, here is their excuse:  you see, the insurance plan that you had, the one you liked, the one you were promised you could keep— yeah that one, the one that is now gone— well, you see, that was a bad plan.  Bad.  It didn’t cover pregnancy costs for eighty-year-old ladies.  Indeed, it did not even cover pregnancy costs for men.  You fool.  How could you have ever thought that was a good plan?

We, the elite, the powerful, we will decide for you what is good for you.  We will ignore your silly opinions.  We will ignore your right to choose for yourself.  We will take from you to give to others, because the greater good demands it.  After all, if we do not cover health costs for illegal aliens, then where will those illegal aliens go?  Don’t answer that.  For whom will those illegal aliens illegally vote?  Don’t answer that.  And after all, aren’t we, the powerful elite, subject to the very same laws that we force upon you?  Don’t.

Of course, the liberal elites do not phrase it this way.  They are much more polished in their delivery.  Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, who designed the ACA, filibustered Megyn Kelly as she asked the obvious questions which the liberals never answer.  The You Tube Video is at

Emanuel has a very polished delivery, but his arrogance and elitism dominate all that.  Don’t fall for it.  There is a difference between being smart, and being cunning.  Emanuel is not smart.

Of course, if you decide to let him run your life, that is your decision to make, not mine.  I’m just not smart enough to make that decision for you.

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